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Your donation goes a long way to help our HLAA Chapter provide information, education, support and advocacy to ​people with hearingloss.


Our membership fee of $10.00 a year is not enough to allow us to function at the highest level of service we currently do. Your generous support is what keeps us going.

Donations go towards paying for the costs associated with Chapter meetings, our Newsletter, Website, scholarships for students, as well as special programs, speakers, and funds for items used at our Assistive Listening Device Demonstration Center, to name a few.​


Every donation is greatly appreciated!

We are a nonprofit Section 501(c)(3) , tax -exempt volunteer organization

Donate Online by Credit Card, Pay Pal or Venmo

Donate by Mail


Please make your check payable to Rochester Chapter HLAA and mail to: Nancy&Doug Meyer 5275 Rosebrugh Rd. Geneseo 14454

If your donation is to memorialize a specific person or event please let  us know so that we may send an acknowledgment.

Donations to the United Way: although we are not a participating United Way organization, you may donate to us using number 2425. Thank you!

  In Kind (Item) Donations: Other than hearing aids, please call our Chapter phone number and leave a message. 585-266-7890

Hearing Aid Donations


Hearing aids are repaired and cleaned and sent to the Lions club for distribution to those in need.


Send  the hearing aids following the instructions below:


Address the package to: John McNamara, Au.D. Ontario Hearing 2210 Monroe Ave., Rochester, NY 14618


On the lower left corner of package, or included with a note in the box or envelope along with the aids. 

If you have questions:  Call  585-442-418

You may also donate Hearing Aids to:


Finger Lakes Regional Lions Hearing Foundation, Inc. 

PO Box 200 Union Springs, NY 13160


L.Deborah J Lewis, 

© 2024 Hearing Loss Association of America Rochester Chapter Inc. All Rights Reserved. 



Documents on this website have been compiled by the Hearing Loss Association of America Rochester NY as an information resource. The content is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; material is subject to change. Mention of goods or services in advertisements does not imply Hearing Loss Association of America endorsement; exclusion does not suggest disapproval. ​HLAA Rochester P.O. Box 1002 Fairport, NY 14450​​ Phone: 585-266-7890  Voice Mail

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